Have you ever gotten a tense throat just before or even during a singing gig that you were excited about singing at and of course they were excited to have you sing? You start wondering, can I pull this off? What if they aren't happy with how I sound, they'll not refer me for other gigs. Well, the list of singing fears would be endless here - I think you grasp the point. Well, below is a brief but useful outline of this issue - keeping you voice healthy.
Q: Even though I'm pretty healthy, I lose my voice when I sing live. I guess I'm pushing harder than when I practice. What should I do about this?
A: The first thing that I usually ask a singer is "how well do you hear yourself in the monitors?" Often, they are not hearing themselves sing on stage, so they figure that the audience can't hear them sing and push their voice harder than what is natural. The result is that the tone becomes dull or strident and often intonation problems occur. Talk to your sound man and make sure that you have enough of your voice in the monitors. If you've got the funds, invest in a headset microphone.
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